Qualitative & Quantitative Data

In this post I will be researching how questionnaires collect data, and the best way to collect the data.

Qualitative data methods are ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning, rather than with getting the raw statistics.
What qualitative methods (e.g. case studies and interviews) lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity. Qualitative data provides much more depth in the description of the subject but leaves it unto the person answering to give there own opinion in a narrative format.

The term qualitative data is used to describe a type of information that can be counted or expressed numerically.

Questionnaires are a very quick and easy way of extracting information from a specific targeted group.

Incorporating both Qualitative and Quantitative data into a questionnaire allows both thypes of information to be found, so that when analysing the results you can retrieve statistics and opinions and descriptions.

Below are some aspects of qualitative and quantitative data that I found whilst researching and thought it was relevant to add:

Quantitative ModeQualitative Mode
  • Social facts have an objective reality 
  • Primacy of method 
  • Variables can be identified and relationships measured 
  • Etic (outside's point of view)
  • Reality is socially constructed 
  • Primacy of subject matter 
  • Variables are complex, interwoven, and difficult to measure 
  • Emic (insider's point of view)
  • Generalizability 
  • Prediction 
  • Causal explanations
  • Contextualization 
  • Interpretation 
  • Understanding actors' perspectives
  • Begins with hypotheses and theories
  • Manipulation and control 
  • Uses formal instruments 
  • Experimentation 
  • Deductive 
  • Component analysis 
  • Seeks consensus, the norm 
  • Reduces data to numerical indices 
  • Abstract language in write-up
  • Ends with hypotheses and grounded theory 
  • Emergence and portrayal 
  • Researcher as instrument 
  • Naturalistic 
  • Inductive 
  • Searches for patterns 
  • Seeks pluralism, complexity 
  • Makes minor use of numerical indices 
  • Descriptive write-up
Researcher Role
  • Detachment and impartiality 
  • Objective portrayal
Researcher Role
  • Personal involvement and partiality 
  • Empathic understanding

Table from Gifted.uconn.edu

Film Trailer Conventions

History of Film Trailers:

Film trailers have been in production for about a century.
The first movie trailer came from the Loews Cinemas company in 1913 for a film called 'The Pleasure Seekers.'
It was a short snippet that played in theaters before the feature film.
Film companies soon started to adopt this trend and this is when the film trailer was born.


Flm trailers tend to follow the same rules when created, they share the same Conventions normally and these are as follows:

  • Voice overs are used to tell the story and give credit information
  • The stars of the film are showcased
  • Key points are sometimes conveyed through titles,
  • Conversations between characters often consist of one-liners,
  • Dramatic camera angles may be chosen to show events or characters,
  • Action is interspersed with actor or director credits on screen,
  • Music plays an important role in creating atmosphere,
  • The film's title may not appear until the end,
  • The trailer builds to a climax where it ends,
  • Montage (a series of shorts from different points in the film , edited together) is often used to highlight the most dramatic, humorous or fast paced aspects of the film.
Structural Conventions:
  • Structured around the most appealing aspects of a film without taking conventional narrative order into consideration,
  • A selection of clips are chosen to attract the widest possible audience,
  • Aim to provide a basic narrative structure in order to guide an audience through the film's storyline.
Typical Setup of a Film Trailer

Opening: establishes setting and introduces the characters
Build-up: Relationships are established, development of characters and their world
Problem: A dilemma or series of complications, characters faced with an obstacle (or several) to overcome
Events: A series of events as characters try to overcome obstacles and solve problems. Further complications may arise in the process
After researching into film trailer conventions and genre themes, it has become apparent to our group that we need a varied mixture of themes associated with each aspect of our genre, the correct film trailer conventions should be used in order to produce a successful film trailer that can be compared to existing products in the film industry.

Genre Conventions

When an audience views a film trailer they automatically start to analyse and interpret what they see and hear to establish the films genre.

Film trailer conventions and genre themes are intertwined in order to portray these different genres to the audience; for example: one of the main themes of a romance is the love story between the two main characters. A film trailer convention such as the use of a soundtrack; would help to produce the right atmosphere in order to emphasise the relationship and evoke the feeling of  'fear' upon the audience.

The genre of our film - Romantic Tragedy with elements of Psychological Thriller, this means that we had to research into the themes of the individual aspects of our genre, enabling us to gain a higher depth of knowledge of the themes associated with each aspect of our genre; therefore our group will then be able to select themes associated with each of the individual aspects of our genre in order for us to portray our chosen genre to the audience in our film trailer successfully.

Below are the themes associated with the Romance genre:


- Typical Happy ending (Pathetic Fallacy)

- Love story

- Usually triangulation - romance is being challenged by person or problem

- Told from point of view of both lovers

- Miscommunication - characters hate each other, then love each other

- Emotional appeal - audience participate in the character’s lives, they are privy to their inner feelings and thoughts

- Main characters are the two romantically involved



- The main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances,

- A narrative that portrays or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending,

- A disastrous event - especially one involving distressing loss or injury to life,

- A tragic aspect or element.

Psychological Thriller Themes:

- Reality - the quality of realism, characters often try to determine what is true and what is not within the narrative,

- Perception - a person's own interpretation of the world around him through his senses. Often characters misperceive the world around them, or their perceptions are altered by outside factors within the narrative,

- Mind - the human consciousness; the location for personality, thought, reason, memory, intelligence and emotion. The mind is often used as a location for narrative conflict, where characters battle their own minds to reach a new level of understanding or perception,

- Existence/Purpose - the object for which something exists; an aim or a goal humans strive towards to understand their reason for existence. Characters often try to discover what their purpose is in their lives and the narrative's conflict often is a way for the characters to discover this purpose,

- Identity - the definition of one's self. Characters often are confused about or doubt who they are and try to discover their true identity,

- Death - the cessation of life. Characters either fear or have a fascination with death.
Film trailers tend to have recognisable conventions in which an audience would establish that they were watching a film trailer. Some of the more recognisable conventions for film trailers are listed below:

- Voice overs are used to tell the story and give credit information

- The stars of the film are showcased

- Key points are sometimes conveyed through titles,

- Conversations between characters often consist of one-liners,

- Dramatic camera angles may be chosen to show events or characters,

- Action is interspersed with actor or director credits on screen,

- Music plays an important role in creating atmosphere,

- The film's title may not appear until the end,

- The trailer builds to a climax where it ends,

- Montage (a series of shorts from different points in the film , edited together) is often used to highlight the most dramatic, humorous or fast paced aspects of the film.
Structural Conventions:

- Structured around the most appealing aspects of a film without taking conventional narrative order into consideration,

- A selection of clips are chosen to attract the widest possible audience,

- Aim to provide a basic narrative structure in order to guide an audience through the film's storyline.
Opening: establishes setting and introduces the characters.
Build-up: Relationships are established, development of characters and their world.
Problem: A dilemma or series of complications, characters faced with an obstacle (or several) to overcome.
Events: A series of events as characters try to overcome obstacles and solve problems. Further complications may arise in the process.

Our Conclusion:

After researching into film trailer conventions and genre themes, it has become apparent to our group that we need a varied mixture of themes associated with each aspect of our genre, to be intertwined with the appropriate film trailer conventions in order to produce a successful film trailer that can be compared to existing products in the film industry.

Film Trailer Research

Below are some of the film trailers I have viewed to enhance my knowledge of there structure and techniques.

I watched this as it was a very unsuccessful film, this may be due to the fact the trailer was not well created so i viewed it to see what techniques was used.

I watched this trailer as I wanted to see the techniques used in film trailers of romance based films.

I watched this trailer as I wanted to see the techniques used in film trailers of romance based films.

I watched this trailer as I wanted to see the techniques used in film trailers of psychological thriller based films.

Film Trailer Deconstructions

Below are the film trailer 'P.S. I Love You' and 'The Butterfly Effect' these are my deconstruction trailers because the first is a romantic tragedy, and the third is a psychological thriller. Myself and Hayden Simmons think these will be good deconstruction as we are thinking about producing a romantic tragedy so this may include the conventions of the romantic tragedy and also aspects of a psychological thriller, which is why I have chosen to deconstruct these film trailers.

Deconstruction One

Deconstruction Two

Genre Choice

Genre is what many people believe determines the films story; it is an aspect that is considered so that a film can be put into a certain field.

When we view a film, or basically any media object we self determine what type of media it is. Genre determines to the audience normally what they are to expect, for example a horror movie will normally incorporate blood and violence and this is a convention that is used lots.

Genre can affect the form, structure, style and content of a film, for example when a film is being created and when we as a group create a trailer, deciding on a genre will determine some aspects that should be incorporated.

In our group we have chosen to use the genres Romantic Tragedy with aspects of Psychological Thriller
This is because last year for the AS part of the course we created a Psychological Thriller and enjoyed this largely but we thought this year as we have budgeting constraints and needed to create a more professional video because we need to progress with our creations so we decided to create a Romantic Tragedy with elements of Psychological Thriller as we thought it would be easier to create a Romantic Tragedy with the technology and budget we have.

Hybrid Genre:

- Regressive: a media object that attempts to take on elements ‘original’ to a genre by resisting change that has already happened within the genre and attempting to go back to an earlier state.

- Progressive: a media object is created by melding aspects of different genres. This is usually an attempt to be original, but typically all of the elements have been used before, so all that is original is the blending of them.

We are using the progressive version of Hybrid Genre because we are using many aspects of genre because we are 'blending' various genres together.
Below is an image of how genres can be linked:

Also in our Genre Choice we need to consider the following:

- Audience

- Characterization

- Themes

- Settings

- Iconography

- Filmic Techniques

- Mood and Tone

- Mode of Address

- Subject Matter

- Originality

- Innovation


Unique selling points are vital for films as it is the unique aspect that makes the film feasible.

Our Unique selling point in our trailer and film (theoretically) is that using the hybrid genre of Romantic Tragedy with aspects of Psychological Thriller allows up to provide something that is not in mass production and not many films that have done this.

Initial Ideas

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Time Plan

The Task

Below is the task that I am to complete for my Media Studies A2 Coursework:

To Create a promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, a film magazine front cover featuring film and a poster for a film.'

I am working with Hayden Simmons, who i worked with for our AS coursework, we have decided to stay together because we feel we did very well last year.