Qualitative data methods are ways of collecting data which are concerned with describing meaning, rather than with getting the raw statistics.
What qualitative methods (e.g. case studies and interviews) lose on reliability they gain in terms of validity. Qualitative data provides much more depth in the description of the subject but leaves it unto the person answering to give there own opinion in a narrative format.
The term qualitative data is used to describe a type of information that can be counted or expressed numerically.
Questionnaires are a very quick and easy way of extracting information from a specific targeted group.
Incorporating both Qualitative and Quantitative data into a questionnaire allows both thypes of information to be found, so that when analysing the results you can retrieve statistics and opinions and descriptions.
Below are some aspects of qualitative and quantitative data that I found whilst researching and thought it was relevant to add:
Quantitative Mode | Qualitative Mode |
| Assumptions
| Purpose
| Approach
Researcher Role
| Researcher Role
Table from Gifted.uconn.edu