Film Magazine Conventions

Below are some of the conventions of Film Magazine Conventions:

- The magazine name is clearly displayed

- The cover has to be noticeable to the audience

- Famous Actors/images are generally used as a focus point

- Images on the front target a specific audience

Date, Issue Number, Price

- Bar-code displayed

- Graphical designs and colour choices are to create a atmosphere/mood

- Font size, shape, colour are used creatively to suggest different ideas

- Several cover lines placed around the page indicating attractive content inside

- To be eye catching

- Magazine Title or Logo: usually large letters at the top of the page

- Main Picture of actors in film roles: used to promote their film and the main article within the magazine

Colour Scheme

- Title of the main article

- Titles of many smaller articles contained in the magazine

- Images taken from other articles contained in the magazine

Below are some of the conventions techniques used in film magazine covers that I have found on the internet:

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