A Film posters is a very important advertising device in capturing the initial interest of the audience and drawing them into the cinema. Studios often print several posters that vary in size and content for various domestic and international markets. They normally contain an image with text. Today's posters often feature photographs of the main actors - prior to the 1990s, illustrations instead of photos were far more common. The text on film posters usually contains the film title in large lettering and often the names of the main actors. It may also include a tag line, the name of the director, names of characters, the release date, etc.
Film posters are displayed inside and on the outside of movie theaters, and elsewhere on the street or in shops. The same images appear in the film exhibitor's press book and may also be used on websites, DVD packaging, flyer's, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, etc. These are all know as forms of ATL, above the line promotion, which all focus on establishing a brand identity for the product.